Talking to Young Children about Race

Talking to young children about race is imperative as a parent or caregiver. It can be uncomfortable, but it is vital for living in an equitable society. Children learn about the world in so many ways. As parents and caregivers, we want to support our children’s learning and not have them pick up bad habits from others.

As someone who grew up in a multiracial family, I am often surprised at how difficult I find it to talk about race with my own child. In light of that, I offer a few resources for others who may be similarly challenged.

The first is an article from Brightly about how to talk to children about race., opens a new window

The second is a list of PCPL picture books to help start conversations:

Don't be Color Blind

Talking about race with young children is vitally important if we want to live in an equitable society. It can also be really challenging. Here are some PCPL picture books to help start these difficult and important conversations.

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