Ignite: Business & Nonprofits

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SCORE Presents: The Magic of Follow Up

Feb 18th | 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online Event
This workshop is for anyone who struggles with how to best communicate and stay in touch with their customers and clients.

SCORE Presents: Hacking the Instagram Algorithm

Feb 27th | 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Online Event
This webinar will show you how to optimize your Instagram posts for the best visibility in the Feed, Stories, and Reels.

E-Library: Free Online Resources

Featured for Business & Entrepreneurs

Reference Solutions (ReferenceUSA)–Business, Jobs, Directory

Find jobs, search businesses, create marketing plans, conduct competitive analysis, develop lists, and do research. Provided by Data Axle.

Two local groups help small businesses and start-ups

PCPL's IGNITE is excited to have two new resources that may help you with your small businesses and start-ups.

Udemy Online Courses by Gale

Udemy offers thousands of video courses in business, technology, design, health, & the arts. Take English courses in 13 native languages.

Small Business Reference Center

Find information for starting and maintaining a small business, including handbooks, videos, and other useful and interactive resources.

Featured for Nonprofits

Arizona Guide to Grants

Profiles agencies with a history of making grants in Arizona. See How to search the Guide online.

Foundation Directory Online

The Foundation Center offers a comprehensive database of grantmakers, companies, grants, and 990s. Available for use inside the library only

Browse the Collection

Bus Jobs NP: tabbed catalog carousel

Staff Picks

Grow your small business

National Small Business Week is April 28 - May 4. Whether you want to start or grow your small business, PCPL has books to support you!


Is your business ready for marketing? Or are you already doing it, and need to do it more? Here are some books and resources for you.

Nonprofits and Leadership

Nonprofits and leadership skills go hand-in-hand. Here are some resources that will spark new ideas and inflame your passions!

Money Smart Week 2023

Money Smart Week is 4/15-4/21, 2023. Check out these new financially focused magazines, tools and books to help you manage your money.

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Business Tools & Resources Email Newsletter

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Grant Opportunities Email Newsletter

Sign up to receive our email newsletter and learn about upcoming grant opportunities.

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