Three Books on a Theme: Magic and Unicorns

Unicorns. The very name conjures a powerful, striking image and captures the imagination. They are beautiful, majestic, fantasy creatures of pure magic and mystery. They are symbols of hope and goodness.

These books feature unicorns as lead characters, or elements of magic as elusive as the scent of rain on the breeze. Each one changes the lives in the story forever.

The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge

A favorite of J. K. Rowling when she was little, The Little White Horse follows a young girl, recently orphaned, who moves to Moonacre Manor to live with her uncle. While the manor and the land around it are beautiful, she finds it and the nearby town overshadowed by a tragedy buried deep in the past. To overcome it, she must also face the deeply human flaws that reside in everyone.

With beautiful descriptions, engaging characters, and a relatable, brave lead, The Little White Horse is a truly magical and inspiring book.

The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle

Achingly beautiful, lyrical, and bittersweet, The Last Unicorn is the story of a solitary unicorn who leaves her safe life in the forest to discover what has befallen the others of her kind. With elements of fantasy, romance, and adventure, it manages to combine both humor and heartache in a rich and captivating novel. A fairytale for adults, it is a story that will sink into your heart and remain there long after you have finished.

The Black Unicorn by Terry Brooks

A comforting, cozy series of fantasy escapism, the Magic Kingdom of Landover series follows Ben Holiday who buys a magic kingdom and the throne that goes with it from a mail order catalog. Ben has just succeeded in bringing the country back from the brink of ruin and is settling into a new life of ruling Landover with the aid of a talking dog, a court scribe, an inept wizard, and the beautiful sylph Willow. But soon Willow disappears, off to search for a mysterious black unicorn, and a magic spell leaves Ben on his own, fighting to reclaim his kingdom.

Both serene and soothing, even when the stakes get high, The Black Unicorn tells its story in a style that is both whimsical and delightful. There is a great deal of heart and hope, with endearing characters that make Landover feel like home.
