PCPL Haiku Challenge: National Library Week

Dear readers, here are the haiku that we have received for Part 3 of our PCPL Haiku Challenge. The topic? Since it is National Library Week, the theme is libraries past, present, and future, books, and reading. Thank you to everyone who took the time to write a poem for this collection.

Thank you to everyone who has participated! Read more about the haiku challenge.

Marge Pellegrino
torn, unraveling
a journal's neon words stitch
me back together.

character driven
wondering what happens next?
readers discover

Edward Gold
Library is closed
I am missing books so much
Please reopen soon!

Judy Dyl
A good book makes me
Ponder, chortle, pause, smile, and
Postpone my worries.

Katherine Conover
Pages being turned,
No other sound, except an
Occasional sigh!

Mellody Gotwalt
"Books speak from seclusion"
Please let me draw you
Worlds opened in verse and prose
Books in quarantine.

Rebecca Howey 
"True story here (happened at Quincie Douglas Library)
In the giraffe chairs
Two adults with our flashcards
We’re learning out loud

Emily Parker
Can we please take a
moment for how damn kick-ass
librarians are?

Like, seriously
friendly book warriors for
public good, fight on.

Juanita Havill
books wait silently
on shelves their covers touching
let the noise begin

Carolyn Classen
I love libraries
What a wealth of knowledge there
Please open again

Ali, 5th grade, Sonoran Science Academy East
The sun is shining
My breakfast smells delicious
My morning is great

Rose Kowalski
Finding books, truth, friends
Helping with questions, projects
God, I miss my job

Rose Kowalski
Cavorting children
Stay curious, ask questions
Knowledge is free here

Katherine Conover
A Pandemic Plus:
Time to delve into titles
I’ve meant to explore.

Susan Cummins Miller
"Returning to my childhood library in Pasadena, CA"
Portal beckons: "Be
made whole by books as by great
spaces and the stars"

Susan Cummins Miller
"After 50 years"
Zoom reunites four
singers. My backdrop tells tales:
Science & Crime Lit

Amber Mathewson
The Library stands
ready and waiting for you.
We are online too!

Mikayla, Tucson Country Day School, 4th grade
pages made of trees,
ink and knowledge in between,
in the books we read

Doreen Scherf
Picture books can scare
The voice can make monsters huge
In Mom’s lap they shrink

Doreen Scherf
I write in poor light
Scribblings for early morning
Sky turning tawny

Barb Lee Schueppert
My body stays home,
But my mind travels the world
On wings of a book.

Deborah McMillan
you speak word pictures
dance in our different minds
you, book, are a friend

Deborah McMillan
sun, rain, earth, tree, ink
opening, telling stories
forever speaking

Jennifer J. Stewart
You’ve read too many
Dystopian novels now
Face reality 

Susan Oates
A book in my hands
When will this happen to me?
A sad time to be.

Susan L. Schwartz
Books, books, books, books, books
Are my savior nowadays.
Thanks, Pima County Library!

Lyn Relph
I have my carrel
deep in the back of the stacks,
and Boccaccio.

Mary Durfee
Hip librarian
Taps her vinyl Go-Go boots
Digs Mike Mulligan

Mary Durfee
Alone I travel
Scent of past readers beckons
More than paper bound

Audrey Sher-Walton
Inside your bindings
Escape external bleakness
Blanket me with words

Audrey Sher-Walton
Oh, unturned pages
You’re mine to keep forever
But, books are best shared

Audrey Sher-Walton
Spring forth new musings
need poetry to survive
Magic indulgence

Ann Williams
My Valencia
I miss you so very much
Please can I come back
Where else can I go
To be so very content
Among all the books

Ann Williams
Libraries are best
When experienced with friends
Or just books and self

Kai S., 6th grade, Doolen Middle School
Finishing series,
Books I've read before, boring
Library books shelved

Ben W., 6th grade, Doolen Middle School
Inside a new world
Different stories await
Influence the mind

Albrecht Classen
Scroll to manuscript
incunabula arrived
printing gave us books

Albrecht Classen
Cover to cover
many lives deeply involved
secrets are revealed

Albrecht Classen
Library is home
among countless rows of books
let us read together

Alice Fern Pringle
A book transports us
into realms beyond our reach
and makes them real

Alice Fern Pringle
Each unique story
A rare tapestry of thoughts
Woven out of love

Alice Fern Pringle
Letters on a page
Turn into magical words
That you can savor

Alice Fern Pringle
Books are like a bridge
Across our daily routine

Kate Hulbert
"Reader riding"
My pre-dawn bike ride:
Murder mystery unfolding
here in my garage

Robert K. Lundin
Unread books stacked high
All sorts of subject matter
Collecting gray dust

Robert K. Lundin
Doors keep bards lock’d in
Words rhymed, by angry captives
Library of souls

Robert K. Lundin
Revolving doors turn
Enter the cool library
Read a magazine

John Higgins
Oh Bad Pandemic!
No school No soccer No swim
Hey! This book is fun.

Karen Berry
Loving to read books
I slip into other worlds

Karen Berry
Printed words inspire
Their message feeds the hungry
Nourished souls give thanks.

Karen Berry
Words from authors flow
Like gifts in print for readers

Elena Acoba
We loved storytimes
with Mister Eddie's antics.
Fond memories made.

Elena Acoba
With no Blockbuster
the library's quite handy.
Loads of DVDs!

Liam, Tucson Country Day School, 5th grade
As I read.
I enjoy the stories.
To escape.

Dylan, Tucson Country Day School, 5th grade
The sound of silence
Surrounded by vast knowledge
Begin your Journey.

Layla, Tucson Country Day School, 5th grade
Story Books
Quiet People Read

Andrew, Tucson Country Day School, 5th grade
Books are magical.
All books are good for your head.
Everyone should read books.

Johnathan, Tucson Country Day School, 4th grade
Silent library,
Pages calmly being turned,
Joy and knowledge gained.

Madison, Tucson Country Day School, 4th grade
I love books so much
And they are so fun to read
Books are so much fun 

Jakom, Tucson Country Day School, 4th grade
Graphic novels rule
Chapter books are ok too
Libraries are cool

Teagan, Tucson Country Day School, 4th grade
Books are so awesome
Books have many words in them
Books have cool pictures

Jayden, Tucson Country Day School, 4th grade
Books are so awesome.
The library is so cool
And Ms. Chris is too.

Nan Schubel
Nothing left to do
Read that book, write that book
That’s the idea!

Nan Schubel
Now’s the time to read.
Facts are better than the lies.
Libraries have the answers.

Nan Schubel
Library science
Is the only true science.
You’ll see I’m right.

Christine Seliga
Spine cracks, pages swish,
fall into another world,
return soul brimming

All your poems!