Browsable Resource: World History in Context

Are you a surfer, not a seeker? Do you like world history? Well I’ve got a fun site for you to try!

World History in Context, opens a new window is a rabbit hole of tidbits for the everyday browser. Once you've clicked into it from the e-library, you can go in almost any direction, including other Gale resources. The home page features a scrolling bar of new subjects about which to read, and collects multiple subjects under different categories below it.

Featured video and featured news draw the eye to the right sidebar, allowing for yet another rabbit-hole exploration. And then once you've clicked on something--fates help you; you've got even more options.

Not to mention there's much more than what you can see before scrolling. Yes, you can read primary sources (which are probably the coolest part about a database like this) and you can scroll through a pretty large number of images about your preferred topic-of-the-day. You can also read magazine and academic journal articles, or listen to a piece from NPR about it. You can see any mention of your topic in the news, or see what websites the good people of Gale have determined useful and authoritative.

It's a one stop shop for all your inquisitive needs. It's also endless. You might find a related subject of interest at the bottom of a magazine article. You might decide to listen to a few more episodes of All Things Considered, about things completely unrelated. You might just randomly click on something to go a different way.

Or you might call it a day and decide to come back tomorrow with an alarm set--otherwise, you might never stop.

Next time, instead of doing a random Google search and falling dozens of pages in, take your browsing curiosity to the e-library!