Media Do format eBooks in OverDrive’s Libby app

Media Do eBooks are available in OverDrive's Libby app. Media Do is simply a different format for eBooks.

You can browse and borrow them alongside the rest of your digital collection directly in the Libby app. Once borrowed, these titles appear on your Shelf in Libby. When you go to read them, they will open in a browser window using Media Do's browser-based eBook reader. 

A few additional details:

  • You can filter lists and search results down to just Media Do titles by setting a Preference or using the Refine option in Libby.
  • Media Do’s browser-based eBook reader is specifically designed to display content with special formatting, like graphic novels and books that read right-to-left.
  • Media Do eBooks require an internet connection and can’t be downloaded for offline use.

Check out this help article for more information about Media Do eBooks in Libby

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