How to donate seeds

We're happy to accept donations of your open-pollinated, heirloom, and/or locally saved seeds in any quantity.* 

Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Collect and clean seeds from your crops, and set aside some for yourself and some for the library. (Need seed cleaning screens? You can check them out from the Seed Library, too!)
  2. If you're ready to share seeds, please clearly label your donation [printable label: EnglishSpanish] in an envelope or container. You can print out this label at home, or pick one up at your local library.
  3. Bring your labeled seeds to any Pima County Public Library branch, and we'll add them to the collection for other community members to check out.

*Seeds saved from grocery store produce are not suitable for the Seed Library. Please put them in your compost bin instead.

Download the Seed Library brochure | Tomar Prestado Semillas, opens a new window for more information.

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