Get an email when your favorite authors have a new book out

Using a free service called Blogtrottr to get emails

The easiest way to get email notification when a new title comes in that matches a search is to use For example, you can do an author search for Stephen King to see when the library's added his latest, or you can search for a topic that interests you, like xeriscaping.

Using an RSS reader to get notified in your browser

If you already use an RSS reader, you can subscribe to search results from the new catalog. If you're new to RSS, you may want to read How RSS Works.

Some simple RSS readers are:

  • Slick RSS
  • NewsBlur
  • Feedly

Once you sign up for the RSS reader of your choice, you can set up feeds for your favorite searches.

To find the feed, look for the RSS icon at the bottom of any search page on our site. (Click the picture for a larger image.)

Click on the icon at the bottom of the page to get to the RSS feed.

Once you have your feeds, the RSS reader will usually display a little icon on your browser when a title matching your searches comes in to the library.

Note: If you are using Google Chrome, the best option is using Blogtrottr as explained above, since Chrome no longer supports RSS feeds by default. You can read more about RSS feeds in Chrome here.

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