Print a listing of events from the events calendar

To print a listing of events, simply do a search or use the limiters to get the list of events you want. Feel free to limit by date, age, type of event, or simply do a keyword search to get a list of what you want.

Here are step-by-step instructions:

  1. Go to the event calendar 
  2. Under location, click on Show more, then click the checkbox next to the library you want
  3. Select any other filters you want – Audience, Event type, Program, Language – from the left-hand side of the screen
  4. Once that processes, click the small x in the upper right corner of the page to get back to the calendar
  5. You’ll see a list of events. Click on View options to see a menu that includes Print. Click on Print.
  6. A print dialog box will open, showing you what your list will look like printed.

Here's a quick video with an example.

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