“We can all learn from these books.”

According to The Harvard Gazette, “Getting books about LGBTQ issues into the hands of young readers is becoming more difficult with the recent rise of book bans across the nation. PEN America recorded more school bans during the fall 2022 semester than in the prior two. The American Library Association documented 1,269 attempts to ban or restrict books in libraries last year. This is the highest number since the group began tracking the issue two decades ago and nearly doubles the previous record set in 2021. Nearly half — 45.5 percent — of 2,571 unique titles challenged were written by or about LGBTQ people.”

At Pima County Public Library, we staunchly protect the right of each community member to select and access the materials they wish, for as the American Library Association’s Freedom to Read Statement says, “We believe rather what people read is deeply important; that ideas can be dangerous; but that the suppression of ideas is fatal to a democratic society.”

Here are some of the comments community members sent us to express their gratitude:

Having access to diverse materials is something that I love about Pima County Public Library and is something that I encourage more people to explore. I look forward to what the library will add to their book catalog in the future and just wanted to let you know that I really support the books and other items that are being brought into libraries. Thank you to anyone who helps the library continue to carry books and items that are diverse and slightly controversial and tackle difficult topics.

LGBTQ+ books are important because they tell stories about people who have been left out or ignored for a long time. These books give a voice to LGBTQ+ individuals and let them share their unique experiences with the world. They help us understand what it's like to be LGBTQ+ and the challenges they face. That's something we can all learn from.

By having LGBTQ+ books in our library, we show that we accept and respect all kinds of people. It's a way of saying, "You matter, and your story is important." When LGBTQ+ youth see these books on the shelves, it can give them hope and make them feel less alone. It's like a signal that they belong and that their feelings are valid.

I know some people worry that these books might be inappropriate or offensive, but that's not what I see. LGBTQ+ books are about real people and their experiences. They're about love, friendship, identity, and all the things we go through as teenagers. They help us see that we're all human and that our differences make us stronger.

So, I really hope you'll consider keeping LGBTQ+ books in our library. By doing so, we create a space where all people feel seen, respected, and understood. It's a small step towards building a more accepting and inclusive community.

It is extremely vital that we keep all books accessible for everyone who wants the chance to read. I hope that by keeping LGBTQ+ books it validates individuals who can relate to these stories and opens up new discussion for people who don't belong to these marginalized groups. I hope that Pima County Library will continue to support authors of color and authors that create literary worlds that have LGBTQ+ stories at the forefront. I am in support of the collection of materials available for check out and hope that you continue to provide books that fit in this range in the future. Thank you, from a proud book reader.