Artober: 31-Day Creativity Challenge

Calling all artists, writers, and dabblers!

Complete 31 creations in October's 31 days using the prompts below. Stories, drawings, poems, paintings, or any other creative endeavor—you decide. We’d love to see what you create. If you post your work, please include the hashtag #PCLArtober.

Artober 2021 was created by PCPL Teen volunteer Portia C., a 12th grader at Sequoia Choice AZDL, who creates art inspired by folktales and myths. She also enjoys thrifting, learning languages (currently Swedish), and hiking.

Share some of your work with the Library, and we may post it on our website, YouTube or Flickr pages. Go to Stories and Art to see how to submit your work to the Library.

Happy Artober!

Tips from a 31-day Challenge Veteran

  1. Artober is all about pacing. Try to keep each project small enough so that you can finish it in one day.
  2. Around mid-month (days 17-22 for me), you might start to lose motivation. I would recommend either taking a day off or making simpler pieces to give yourself a break.
  3. Don’t worry about perfection.
  4. If you don’t want to do the entire challenge but still want to participate, pick a schedule that works for you (i.e. every other day, once a week etc.).
  5. Have fun! This challenge is meant to facilitate personal growth. If you need to take a break, that’s perfectly fine. Don’t stress out!

If you complete the full month, it is really rewarding to see all 31 of your pieces at the end. Good luck!

Prompt List

  1. Vessel
  2. Spark
  3. Quiet
  4. Brew
  5. Wanderer
  6. Card
  7. Eye
  8. Raven
  9. Moon
  10. Linger
  11. Sprout
  12. Sword
  13. Moonless
  14. Fortune
  15. Sparkle
  16. Door
  17. Hidden
  18. Leak
  19. Mask
  20. Fear
  21. Lost
  22. Sand
  23. Collect
  24. Crooked
  25. Guard
  26. Moth
  27. Battle
  28. Slither
  29. Pearl
  30. Found
  31. Glow