A new way to get bestsellers at the Library!

Holds list too long? Try your luck with our Lucky Day collection!

We know holds lists can be frustrating, especially when you're eagerly awaiting that special book... that's why we have the Lucky Day collection!

Lucky Day books are popular titles featured in a special section of your library. If you find a book you want to read on the Lucky Day shelf, grab it and check it out - it's your lucky day!

These are high-demand books, so they can't be renewed, but you still get to keep them for three weeks!

Lucky Day books can't be reserved or set aside for you to pick up, even same-day pickup, but you can easily see if and where they're available in our catalog. Once you find the one you're looking for, head on down to your local library to get it for yourself before another reader snags it!  

Current Lucky Day books include Stephen King's The Institute, J.A. Jance's Sins of the Fathers, Rachel Maddow's Blowout, and Margaret Atwood's The Testaments, among many others

Is it your LUCKY DAY?