Human and Community Services in Pima County

Resources and community agencies gathered by PCPL librarians for housing search, food, domestic violence, seniors/elderly, and more.

Arizona Department of Economic Security, opens a new window

The Department of Economic Security (DES) Family Assistance Administration provides language assistance free of charge to those with limited English proficiency when assistance is needed for Nutrition AssistanceCash Assistance and some Medical Assistance programs. Please contact your DES office or call 1-855-432-7587 for program assistance provided in your preferred language.

2-1-1 Arizona, opens a new window

Find agencies and services that can help with food, domestic violence, family services, health, senior services, substance abuse, housing, veterans services, employment and more.

Child and Family Resources, opens a new window
Angel Charity Building
2800 E. Broadway Blvd.
Phone: 520-881-8940

Agency that helps families succeed, coaches child care teachers so children excel in school, and partners with teens to prevent pregnancy, school drop-out, drug use and suicide.

City of Tucson Resource Line
Phone: (520) 791-2540

The resource line is for those experiencing or at risk of homelessness to get connected to resources for medical, mental health, meals, outreach, and other resources offered in our community. 

Community and Workforce Development, opens a new window

At many locations,, opens a new window Pima County Community Services, Employment and Training (CSET) Department administers programs to improve the economic and social sustainability of Pima County by: Developing skilled workers for quality jobs; Assisting employers to address workforce and recruitment needs; Mitigating the impact of layoffs; Assisting households in financial crisis; Helping persons with barriers, such as homelessness and lack of literacy, to transition into our economic talent pool.

Pima County Housing Center (El Banco)
801 W. Congress St.
Phone: 520-724-2460

Community Development and Neighborhood Conservation (CDNC) desires to create a more livable and viable county and to improve the quality of life for residents, with a special emphasis on economically and socially disadvantaged communities, through the development and coordination of programs and services.

Emerge Center Against Domestic Abuse, opens a new window
Hotline: 520-795-4266 or 1-888-428-0101 (Multi-lingual, 24 hours)

Emerge offers emergency shelter, community-based services, community education, a 24/7 crisis hotline and a housing stability program as part of our mission to provide the opportunity to create, sustain and celebrate a life free from abuse.

Housing and Community Development - City of Tucson, opens a new window
310 N Commerce Park Loop
Phone: 520-791-4171 (M-F, 8:00am-4:00pm)

Info on public housing, Section 8, rental assistance, landlord resources, home repair programs, and elderly/disabled assistance.

Literacy Connects, opens a new window
200 E. Yavapai Rd.
Phone: 520-882-8006 

Learn how to read; learn English, citizenship, GED and other literacy related programs. From birth through adulthood, Literacy Connects’ programs offer opportunities for learners of all ages to realize their potential. In a city identified as the sixth-poorest metropolitan area in the U.S., Literacy Connects aims to address Tucson’s high levels of poverty at its roots – by providing innovative strengths-based programming that motivates learners to make sustainable changes in their lives.

NurseWise Crisis Line
Phone: 520-622-6000 or 1-866-495-6735

NurseWise provides 24-hour behavioral health support and a crisis telephone line for numerous Southern Arizona counties. NurseWise can be called by family members, neighbors, friends, landlords, clergy or any other person(s) concerned about an individual. NurseWise is part of Arizona Complete Health.

Pima Council on Aging, opens a new window
8467 E Broadway Blvd
Phone: 520-790-7262

Home and community-based services for older adults and their family caregivers. PCOA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to inclusive, innovative, and integrated services that meet the changing needs of Pima County’s older adults.

Pima County Housing Search, opens a new window

A free online resource to help you find rentals in Pima County. View listings of apartments, condos, homes for rent. Updated daily.

Pima Helpline, opens a new window

List of Hotlines here Help Now! 24/7 Hotlines
Search for mental health and substance abuse treatment providers in Pima County by treatment type, payment options, services, and more. Scroll down to see the listings.

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