Genealogy Resources and Obituary Searches

he Genealogy & Obituaries section of our research and learning resources has additional options, such as Ancestry.

Great starting points are:

Source Coverage Dates Includes
U.S. Social Security Death Index
(searchable online)
1900–present, but primarily 1960 or newer Gives birth and death dates, social security number, state that issued the social security number, and residence at death. Does not give obituary date.
Arizona Daily Star archives
(searchable online via Newsbank)
1991–present Death notices and text of obituaries. Photos not available. For photos, check the Arizona Daily Star microfilm at the Main Library downtown.
Arizona Biographical Database
(searchable online)
  Arizona State Library collection of books, newspaper articles, periodicals, obituaries, vertical files school yearbooks, etc.
Arizona Biography/Obituary Index
(in-library use only)
1865–1986 Mostly Phoenix area. Tucson entries likely date before 1950.
Arizona Genealogy Birth and Death Certificates
(searchable online)
1800–1948 (births)
1800–1973 (deaths)
Includes scanned images of birth and death certificates.
Arizona Daily Star Index
(in-library use only)
1953–1989 (1960–1989 only lists deaths that are news stories) Gives date, page and column where the obituary appeared in the Arizona Daily Star.
Arizona Death Records
(in-library use only)
1870–1982 Gives name and birth and death dates as they appear on the tombstone.
Arizona Daily Star microfilm
(in-library use only)
1880–present Death notices and text of obituaries. Photos if published.
Tucson Citizen microfilm
(in-library use only)
1879–May 16, 2009 Death notices and text of obituaries. Photos if published.
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness (RAOGK)   Resource

There are other local resources you can try:

Green Valley News and Sun (1967–present): Please contact the Joyner-Green Valley Branch Library at 520-594-5295 for the Green Valley News and Sun.

Arizona Historical Society

Family History Center Genealogy Library
500 S. Langley Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85710

Find the information you need by calling the library's Infoline at 520-791-4010 or by sending your question to Ask a Librarian.