You served HOW many meals and snacks this summer?!

16,318 meals + 9,313 snacks = 25,631

Don't rub your eyes, refresh your screen, or read it again... it's true!

Twenty five thousand six hundred thirty one!!!

How is this even possible, you ask? Well, it takes a village. Thanks to wonderful partnerships with Tucson Unified and Amphitheater Unified School Districts and the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona, the Library was able to help feed the kids who might otherwise have gone hungry when school was out.

The summer months can be a very difficult time for families who rely on the meals their children get at school. With this program, the Library provides a safe place where kids can eat, learn, play, and relax. After all, isn't that what being a kid during the summer is all about? 

Know what else being a kid is all about? Speaking your mind. Here are just a couple things we loved hearing this summer:

  • "We froze our grapes and then ate them. They were so refreshing!"
  • "Miss, if I eat anymore animal crackers I may turn into an animal."
  • "There's ketchup... YAY!"
  • "This place is just like home!"