Crazy Road Trips with Mad Cows

Going Bovine centers around Cameron Smith, a 16 year-old loser who doesn’t care about anything. He is perfectly happy to drift off in a teenage haze. That is, until he finds out he’s going to die of mad cow disease. *Cue the road trip music*

As a story, it hits the right notes and tone perfectly. Be warned, travelers; it is long, but patience will unwrap each mystery by the end. It’s painful and confusing at times, yet it makes you think hard about your own situations and how long you may have left in life. Despite these difficulties, it is one of the best books I’ve ever read.

Going Bovine (yep, it's also available as an audiobook!) broke me into laughter and tears as Cameron stumbled his way across America, looking for a way to save the world and himself. We get to travel with him, a punked-out angel, and a dwarf to find the true meaning of life. This is a book best read with no background for maximum impact, so find some time to pluck it off the shelf and dive in.

-Vania, a (Dusen)Berry Blogger and member of the River Teen Advisory Board