
Digital Audiobook Services

OverDrive eBooks and Audiobooks

Cozy up with an ebook or a downloadable audiobook on your Kindle or the Libby App!

Libby app by OverDrive

Did you know your local library has thousands of ebooks and audiobooks? Use them on the device in your hand on iOS, Android, & Windows 10+.

Hoopla: eBooks, Audiobooks, Comics, Music, TV, and Movies

Hoopla offers nearly one million pieces of media, from ebooks to Acorn TV series, available to borrow at anytime, no waiting!

Teen Book Cloud

Read, watch, listen! Find videos, hi-lo novels, classics, poetry, readalongs, graphic novels, audiobooks, & more, all available at any time.

Pimsleur: Trusted Language Learning Sets

Learn a new language with Pimsleur in both audiobook CD and audiobook download formats.

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Staff Picks & More

Audiobooks: Staff Picks Masonry Block

Lesbian Visibility

April 26 is International Day of Lesbian Visibility! These items from our collection highlight lesbian voices and stories.

Shhh! we're reading

May 19th | 1:00pm - 3:00pm
Coalition Space
Join our silent book group as we all just sit and read in a comfy place. BYO book, reading device, laptop, or phone & mug. We'll have tea!

How to Write a Poem Goes Digital

These digital resources will help wannabe poetry writers of all ages.

Queer and Autistic

April is Autism Acceptance Month! Did you know people who are autistic are more likely to identify as LGBTQ?

Autism Acceptance/Awareness Month

April is Autism Acceptance Month (AKA Autism Awareness Month). Check out these #OwnVoices books about autism or with autistic characters!

Books that Ooze Power

Power comes in many forms: financial, political, abusive, reverse, magical, super... *All synopses are from*

Get Started With Historical Romance (2024)

If you're looking to dip your toe into historical stories with a guaranteed happy ending, here are some books & authors to get you started!

Great Danish Reads

Explore a bit of contemporary Danish literature in various formats (e-books, physical books, audiobooks).

Hollywood goes to the Library

Keep reading and debating... which is better, the book or the movie?

Books that were turned into Academy Award winning films

If you liked the movie you will probably love the book. Here are a few books that have been adapted into Oscar-winning films.
PimaLib_Teens said:

Animal Farm by George Orwell is a political satire told through the lives of anthropomorphic farm animals and how each animal portrays a specific element…

Read more of this comment about Animal Farm

Irish authors you should read

March is Irish American Heritage Month. Here are some books by beloved Irish authors.

First Gen

Narratives about first-generation Latinx students and other barrier breakers.

Get Started With Nonfiction That Reads Like Fiction - 2024

Think all nonfiction is dry and boring? Think again! Dive into the educational yet just-as-entertaining-as-fiction world of nonfiction.

Get Started with...

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