Filtering search results

If you are viewing a long list of search results, you can filter the view to help you find what you really want.

For example, you may want to see only DVDs, or only books by a specific author.

On the left side of the screen is a series of pull-down menus and clickable headings to help you do this. For search results, you can:

  • select a specific format (book, eBook, audiobook, DVD, dtc.)
  • limit to a specific author
  • view only new items (New at the library...)
  • view currently available items (Titles I can...)
  • see only those items available at a specific library (handy if you want to pick up something immediately)
  • restrict your results by topic, content (fiction/nonfiction), form/genre, language, published date, or geographical region 
  • or, if users added tags to any of the titles, you can filter by these too

After each heading, the number of titles in the search result or shelf is shown, with the highest number of matches first.

Read more about filtering.